Monday, December 14, 2009

Week #16 Indigo Angels

The "angels" are a doll I made when I was into dying and had an indigo vat. The background is also indigo but I played around with color changes on the computer. I was thinking of the holidays and also the angels dancing on the head of a pin. Couldn't quite figure out how to work a pin into the design, although I haven't given up on that idea - it needs more time. Kay Dolezal

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week #15 A little different direction

This week I've switched gears a bit. I used an image I had drawn in 1991 when I was fascinated by the backs of trucks. I was driving a lot between Waltham and Worcester. I printed it on fabric so I could embroider it. I may do more stitching on this piece - I'm not sure. I really like using both the computer and hand work and hope to do more of this. It felt like a mini breakthrough. Kay Dolezal

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week #14

This week I came across this poem by e.e. cummings and wanted to use it. I love the poem's spare statement and the shape of it. So I gave myself a holiday from writing haiku.
I had taken several photos of leaves and found one which as you see I played with using Photoshop. And I used a net I had from my collection.
So here is my week #14 effort.
Kay Dolezal

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week #13 image

This week I was thinking of the past, not in the present moment so much. Because of the approaching holidays I was thinking of my mother. Thanksgiving especially was a big holiday for her because of the cooking involved. I think she enjoyed it; she certainly always got praise for it and we cleaned our plates.
So this is a little picture I have of her as a child. The lower part was burned by a cigarette so it doesn't show much of her pretty dress. But it shows her flower hat and her expression which is remarkably consistent with her adult personality. At least in part. Kay Dolezal

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weeks #11 and #12

Here are my pieces for weeks 11 and 12. I hope they show how the time of year has been on my mind. I've been enjoying playing with Photoshop. Kay Dolezal

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Piece for Week # 10

I was struck by the mandated return to Standard Time taking place this weekend and it seemed to be amazingly relevant to our Time Project. I used some pieces of previous work to make a collage with Photoshop Elements. Kay Dolezal

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hi all . . .
sorry not to be at our get-together on the first . . .
here are goddesses 5-9 . . .

full stories at: . . .
hope to hear more about what you all are doing . . .
love, joan

Kay Dolezal #9 piece

Here is my piece for this week.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kay Dolezal. 10/19/09 Week #8 piece

This piece came from this goldenrod which I saw on a walk. I tend to think of them as being in fields or with other goldenrods. This one seemed of independent plant/mind enjoying her association with a locust tree.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Viv -- Weeks 4, 5, 6

Hi Everybody,

Sitting here w/Joan learning how to do this.  Here's what I've got for the last 3 weeks:

Week 4. Thinking about giving my rock boxes and bowls as gifts.  Sometimes to someone I know, sometimes a stranger and sometimes just to nature.  This week I offered a  Rock box with some water, some sea pebbles and some red outback grit in it.  Again, symbolic gestures to the natural “disasters in the world this week, flooding in our south, dust storms in Australia.  I added to Noah’s rock garden outside 100 Pond Street.   It was a  peace offering to someone I have an ongoing conflict with.  He returned it via James, my 11 year old nephew.     

  Not a particularly successful venture.


Week 5.  Feeling confused about the point of my project - to make something? – to          give Something?  Where am I going?  I used the time to make some mixed clay balls.  (no picture)

Week 6.  Still confused, the morning of my scheduled “Time Project “ time. Taiko and I went to visit ninety-seven year old Nettie at a nursing home.  Her family was concerned that she had no  appetite and wasn’t eating. I asked her why to which she replied that it didn’t taste good – she didn’t like it.  Asked what she would eat – she grinned and said Chocolate ice cream.  Later that afternoon we went back with one of my bowls and a quart of chocolate ice cream.  Nettie was thrilled and ate like a teenager.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kay Dolezal Week #7 piece

I feel awkward being the first to post, but maybe breaking the ice will be a good thing. This is my effort for Monday 10/12/09 which is the seventh week by my calculations. If you feel moved to
catch up on my previous weeks they're on my own blog.
OK gang. Don't leave me hanging out here alone.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Time Project is a collaborative artwork initiated by Sandie Fenton. It involves each artist recording visually a moment in time once a week for a year.